Our Newest Innovation


DataVu™ Chat

Powered by AI

The fastest and easiest way imaginable to access voter opinion, public sentiment, and customer satisfaction.


Using the power of AI, you can now chat directly with your data.

No dashboards to read. No waiting for your department leads to deliver reports. Simply send a chat message to DataVu, and you’ll instantly receive a response with the information you’re looking for.

Two Powerful Modules

Ask Your Community

Instantly create predictive models about any community of your choice, like customers or voters, giving you answers to deeper, more complex questions. This groundbreaking technology gives clients the ability to accurately predict the future of public opinion on important issues.

Imagine the power of being able to predict the opinion of every single voter every single day.

We connect a wide range of data sources like census data, voter data, and economic data. Then, AlphaVu applies the power of AI and our patented algorithms to create a secure bridge between your private data and public data, allowing you to generate predictive models to estimate customer satisfaction, public sentiment, and voter opinion.

Questions such as…

  • How many voters in my city support a ballot referendum to fund my capital project?
  • What's caused more people to become less supportive over the past 7 days?

Ask Your Data

Get instant answers from data that you own, call center data, customer survey data, social media engagement, customer comments in your CRM, or any of the data sources that you’re using to understand customer and public opinions.

Open a chat, type your questions into the chat box, and you’ll immediately receive a conversational response to include in your presentation or talking points.

Questions such as…

  • What's the sentiment among my customers in my zip code today?
  • What is the public sentiment towards my agency in City Council District 9 this week?

Data Connections

With Ask Your Data and Ask Your Community chat services on our DataVu platform, you’ll have the most advanced and fully featured set of tools available to understand your customers and your community.

AlphaVu is the only analytics and insight firm in the world with this technology



All systems are backed with enterprise-class privacy and security standards.

Because protecting your data is protecting your reputation.


Contact Us

Schedule a call today with AlphaVu to see a live demonstration of DataVu chat.

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